Saturday, August 18, 2012

Yet another learning experience...08/18/2012

So, it is that in my 40's, I am regretting my 20's. I realize now that in some strainge way, that I ma retarded in my own way... It is only now at age 42 that I am reaching the mental age of 25? I think. My past will always be visitted upon me by those who refuse to allow me become more, and better than I was before. Whether this is because my success would somehow diminish them, or because they simply just can not believe in me is their problem. I am done seeking the approval of those who can not, will not give it, prefering to dangle it before me like a carrot, and I am no one's ass anymore. In all fairness though, I have a lot to do on my end to break a series of cycles that return me to the past. So, I shall work, and work alone, as that is how I do my best work.

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